We were founded 80 years ago, in 1943 during World War 2. At that time there was significant concern that rebuilding after the war would destroy our countryside. Therefore, The Theydon Bois and District Rural Preservation Society was founded to preserve the rural character of the countryside in and around Theydon Bois as an appropriate and natural complement to Epping Forest.
See our noticeboards at Theydon Bois underground station and The Bull pub.
Telephone Number
PRESIDENT Michael Chapman 575451
CHAIRMAN Martin Boyle 813132
VICE CHAIRMAN John Everett 841413
SECRETARY Position Vacant
TREASURER Martin Boyle 813132
Liz Burn 815726
Barry Frankland 813446
Caroline Lowe 813137
Nicola Maher 611190
Peter Newton 813708
Hugh Meteyard 812465
Anthony Purkiss 813515
Trevor Roberts 813002
Jim Watts 812027
Add 01992 to phone numbers if phoning from outside the area.
Contact by EMAIL: Committee@tbruralpres.org.uk
There are at present four vacancies on the Society’s Committee and new members are most welcome. Please join our committee and help us fulfil the Society’s aims. The Committee meets bi-monthly, usually on a Tuesday at 8.00pm in the Village Hall.
Email: Committee@tbruralpres.org.uk
See contacts on the village noticeboards