Review of Planning Applications
The Society reviews all planning applications for our village and will provide input to EFDC, where deemed necessary, that helps protect our village and surrounding Greenbelt. Details of current planning applications can be found below.
In respect of the applications Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) recently introduced a new planning website which can be viewed by clicking on the Green Button below "EFDC Planning Applications"
This website allows you to search the various applications and view the associated documentation.
Planning "Rules" - The Local Plan
Planning applications should fall within the guidance laid out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) dated 12 December 2024, and the Local Plan. The Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033 was adopted at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on 6 March 2023.
The Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033 is now the statutory development plan, which means it has full weight in determining planning applications (together with ‘made’ neighbourhood development plans where relevant). This adopted Local Plan superseded the Local Plan which comprised the policies within the Epping Forest District Local Plan adopted January 1998 and the Epping Forest District Local Plan Alterations adopted July 2006.
The adopted Local Plan is available on the Epping Forest District Council -click the button below "Local Plan"
Note in regards to the new version of the NPPF, government guidance is expected to be issued shortly. As part of our activities the Society has provided input to the recent government consultation regarding this version.
Thinking of making a planning application? - A recommendation from the Parish Council
The Parish Council recommend that if you are planning changes to your house, such as an extension etc, that it is best to speak with your neighbours about it as small compromises can help retain good neighbourly relations going forwards. If your neighbour is planning changes you should in any event receive notification from EFDC advising you accordingly and providing you with the opportunity to submit comments. You should also advise the Parish Council of any comments who discuss all applications and make their recommendations to the District Council planning officer, who will make a decision as to approve or refuse the application.
Please note , If you are raising an objection to a Theydon Application with EFDC please copy it to our Parish Council Parish Office, The Village Hall, Coppice Row, Essex CM16 7ER Tel: 01992 813442
The current full planning applications are listed below. We have not included applications under a certificate of limited development.
Application No: EPF/2585/24
Officer: Caroline Brown
Location: Great Gregories House, Theydon Road, Theydon Bois, Epping, CM16 4EF
Proposal: Proposed basement and alterations to the ground floor from previous approved application (ref: EPF/1523/23).
Public consultation closing date: 23/1/2025
Application No: EPF/2592/24
Officer: Caroline Brown
Location: 14, Thrifts Mead, Theydon Bois, Epping, CM16 7NF
Proposal: Erection of a rear extension including conversion of the existing garage into a habitable room.
Public consultation closing date: 30/1/2025
Application No: EPF/2596/24
Officer: Klajdi Koci
Location: 13A, Forest Drive, Theydon Bois, Epping, CM16 7EX
Proposal: Erection of loft extension including rear and front dormer
Public consultation closing date: 27/1/2025
Application No: EPF/2597/24
Officer: Klajdi Koci
Location: 13A, Forest Drive, Theydon Bois, Epping, CM16 7EX
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension at first floor.
Public consultation closing date: 27/1/2025
See contacts on the village noticeboards