The Theydon Bois & District Rural Preservation Society

Helping to protect and preserve our village since 1943 - Registered Charity no. 286346


Have a question? We’d love to hear from you.
Just email committee@tbruralpres with your details and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Join Our Society

Your membership helps the society in lobbying on planning matters, such as the new local plan and in protecting our Greenbelt. Due to the pandemic all memberships were extended to 5 April 2023.

Pre pandemic the Society used to call door to door to collect subscription fees and renew members.  However, due to the impact of the pandemic, the lack of volunteers and that some households no longer carry cash we decided this is no longer possible.

Please help us by re- joining. Subscriptions are £5 per household. Any further donation would be most gratefully welcomed and will help in the preservation of our village and education of our children via our Green-shoots activities. Payments can be remitted by bank transfer or by cheque.

Payments by Bank Transfer

Payee : Theydon Bois and District Rural Preservation Society

Sort code: 30-90-89

Account number 49079268

Reference - Your name , house number and postcode.

Payments by Cheque

Cheque payable to "Theydon Bois and District Rural Preservation Society"

Please send to

Martin Boyle,


Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society,

9 Elizabeth Drive

Theydon Bois,

CM16 7HJ

A membership form will be issued with a forthcoming edition of Village News, but a simple note of your name and first line of address with your payment would be welcome in absence of this form.

We sincerely thankyou for any help you are able to give us.

Would you like to join us? - Volunteer for our committee

We need you!

Our friendly committee currently has several vacancies, and we particularly need help with our planning activities, website management and publication of newsletters / new villagers welcome packs.  Time commitment is on an adhoc basis, aside from bi-monthly committee meetings and thus can easily fit with your other day to day activities. 

If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact us via email at the following address

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