Helping Theydon's children to learn about nature
There is clear evidence that experiencing nature has measurable benefits for children’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. Research has found that interaction with others and the requirement for team-building and cooperation means that access to the outdoors increases children’s interpersonal and social skills and confidence. Education about and access to nature has been found to reduce levels of aggressiveness, at a personal level, a household level, and a community level. Children’s ‘attachment to place, civic engagement and environmental stewardship’ are all enhanced by environmental education. Time spent outdoors is also the strongest link with levels of physical activity, and childhood attitudes to outdoor exercise are strongly predictive of levels of physical activity in adulthood. (MA Williams, The Ecologist 2003.)
GreenShoots is the youth arm of Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society. The initiative is being led by Nicola Maher who is a local primary school teacher. Nicola grew up in Theydon Bois, as did her father Bob Day who was the Society's Chairman and President for a number of years.
The aim is to provide outside opportunities for children up to 12 years old, and their families to enjoy and learn about the history and natural characteristics of this very special place where we live. Activities involve learning about trees and plants in our local environment, mini beast hunts, den building, craft activities and observing signs of the season.
There is no charge for GreenShoots sessions, these are very relaxed, family-friendly sessions and parents stay with their children.
Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society would like to express thanks to the City of London, Parish Council, Theydon Bois CP School and Reverend John Fry at St Mary’s church for all their kind help and support.
We meet between 2-4 pm. The location is on The Plain, which is at the entrance gate number 35 off Coppice Row to the Forest, opposite Sidney Road.
Please email in order to reserve a place
Come and see us at the Donkey Derby
We meet between 2-4 pm. The location is on The Plain, which is at the entrance gate number 35 off Coppice Row to the Forest, opposite Sidney Road.
Please email in order to reserve a place
Come and see our stall at the Theydon Bois Christmas market - Activities for the kids.
See contacts on the village noticeboards